August 2022

New building for “In His Footsteps Edcuare” – True-North

Dear Friends and Supporters of Kinderhilfe-Kapstadt,


At the end of last year, Kinderhilfe-Kapstadt/SEEDS decided to financially support True-North’s new building project “In His Footsteps”. The director/owner Candice had at that stage fulfilled all criteria for registration by the Department of Social Development, except that her current building did not meet the requirements of the Department.

After the approval of the plans building works started in May 2022. Please see a brief report on the progress of the project so far. Pictures have been used to document the progress from month to month.

At the moment, despite two minor delays (see below), the project is on schedule.

Project Progress

• April – last month of In His Footsteps serving their children at the site!
• May – plans approved and site clearance.
• May – installation of new boundary walls on back and sides of the property.

The old fences were in terrible condition and there was encroachment from neighbours that was rectified.

• End May – foundation trenches dug.
• June – Ground floor slab laid and start of internal walls. Sewers installed. Ducting also installed for power and water pipes.
• July – Internal walls
• 25 July – first floor slab installed.


There were no major challenges however in early June torrential rain and flooding caused delays which then also caused knock on delays with supply of concrete.

These were overcome and work proceeded. In July there was a 2 week delay in delivery of the pre-cast 1st floor slab, however the slab was delivered and installed on 25 July. Meeting the required payment milestone. During the July delay the build team took the initiative to begin plastering internal walls on the ground floor and working on the electrics, this would have been part of a later milestone so while there was a delay here there may be a time saving in the future.


Of a cost estimate of about R2 million, close to R1’2 million has been paid out to date.

Until the project is completed towards end of November, the outstanding balance will be paid in 3 further stages.


Under the expert guidance of Peter Hagen of True-North, the building is making good progress, while Kinderhilfe-Kapstadt is securing the necessary funding for payments to be met on time.
We are extremely grateful to all sponsors who have made our support for Candice possible. It is always a pleasure to meet her and Peter on site and to observe and experience the joy the building progress brings to them.

Under True-North’s guidance Candice has developed into an independent and dynamic Educare principal who is passionate about her work and the education of her children and teachers. She has also become a role model for other principals in Vrygrond, whom she supports and assists where ever she can.

Thank you for helping us make a lasting difference, without your continuous and much appreciated support, it would be extremely difficult for Kinderhilfe-Kapstadt/SEEDS Trust to further assist these projects.

Our banking details are as follows:

Dietrich F. Liedelt Stiftung, Hypo Vereinsbank (Hamburg); IBAN: DE04 2003 0000 0602 0695 44;
BIC: HYVEDEMM300, Verwendungszweck: Kinderhilfe-Kapstadt
SEEDS Trust, Standard Bank, Constantia, Account No.: 10164773493, Branch Code: 025309,
Swift: SBZA-ZA-JJ, Reference: Kinderhilfe-Kapstadt.

Thank you for your invaluable support!

Warm regards