Covid 19 Support
Dear Friends
We trust this message finds you safe and well – despite the challengers currently facing our country – and each and very one of us.
On 18 March 2020, all schools and ECD centres were closed. One week later a complete 21 day ‘lockdown’ was enforced. This means that all citizens must stay at home – not even being permitted to go jogging or dog-walking. These stringent measures are aimed at preventing the spread of the virus. At this time, the terrible inequality which exits in our society is brought to strong light!
For many, the lockdown means staying home in the comfort of a nice house and enjoying a perfect day in the garden; for others it becomes more difficult when having to remain inside a flat – but, for people living in the townshjps this is a horrific situation. The army is trying in vain to enforce the law by sometimes brutally ordering people back into their tiny, corrugated iron shacks. How is it possible for a family to survive 24 hours a day for 21 days in a tiny room of 5m x 7m without proper hygiene, sufficient water or social contact?? Even if these families do not get infected by the virus, they will probably crack emotionally and mentally. Domestic violence and abuse are rapidly increasing – aggravated by the prohibition of sales of all cigarettes and alcohol – and resulting increased drug dealing.
The economic implications this lockdown already has and will continue to have on South Africa’s businesses and population is immeasurable. A major problem is that many people do not qualify for benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Fund nor any social welfare, nor any government-funded support during this lockdown.
At the beginning of this year, SEEDS Trust and Kinderhilfe-Kapstadt were keen to progress with the building of two new After-School Care Centres – the one being in Calitzdorp at the Heuwel Speelskool and the other at Little Lambs in Hout Bay.
However, during this difficult time of Corona Virus, we need to prioritize!. Current developments force us to make extraordinary decisions: All schools and ECD centres must remain closed until government lifts the lockdown. Parents are not earning money – thus they cannot pay school fees. With no school fees being paid, there is obviously a major shortfall in income – but every Educare must still pay salaries, rental and other monthly expenses.
Another major concern is that, all of our children received at school two warm meals. Due to their loss of income, parents are now unable regularly to provide food for themselves and their children. Many families are going hungry!
In these difficult times it is our greatest aim to financially support, maintain and care for our projects and partner organisations e.g. Little Lambs, True-North, Heuwel Speelskool, Zakhisiwe and iKaya le Themba – and to overcome the challenges being faced. For this we need to rely on your support.
For those of you who can and want to help, we will be truly grateful for your assistance to help to continue to pay the pre-school staff salaries and to provide food parcels to the families of the children. Your generosity and on-going support will help us get through this really anxious time.
Our banking details:
The SEEDS Trust
- Standard Bank, Constantia
- Account No.: 076021459
- Branch Code: 025309
- Swift: SBZA-ZA-JJ
- Reference: Kinderhilfe-Kapstadt
“Easter is the symbol of hope, rejuvenation and new life”.
With this thought in mind, we would like to wish you a very happy Easter.
May we soon settle into ‘real’ life again – perhaps having all of us learnt some exceptional lessons which will enable us to continue the exceptional work we are achieving together ……… perhaps even bigger and better than before!!
Be safe – stay at home!
Warm regards.